Saturday, March 7, 2009

This was moving day so we got up early to get packed since we had to be out of the room by 10. We opened the blinds and found a lovely day and it got better every hour. We checked out and drove to the new resort. It’s a bit different from the first in that there is a lot more walking from the street to our room since we are in a building at the edge of the property. The room, actually a one-bedroom apartment, is nicer than the first week with better beds, larger rooms, and better furnished. We are satisfied with the change. After settling in and unpacking, we went out for lunch. By and far the best day we’ve had. Sunny, cloudless, and temps that seemed in the mid seventies. Just beautiful! Oh well, eat your hearts out friends in the US and in Europe. We had a light lunch and walked along a type of boardwalk. See below.

There are many nice looking restaurants along the beach. This end of town is quite different from the end where we spent out first week. We recognize our street by the little pinwheels that spin in the wind. in the center of the roundabout.

We went to the happy hour at the new resort and did not like it as much as the previous one. For one, they allowed smoking in a part of the room. Since the room was not so big, we had the effect of the smoke in the non-smoking section. Nevertheless, we had an aperitif and then went back to the boardwalk where we had dinner at a restaurant called El Capricho. We had a very good paella that we shared. We also had a good crema catalana which is like a crème brulée not not exactly. We walked back to the resort and it was cool but comfortable in a light sweater.

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