Not much happening today. A day of waiting. First, we were expecting a FEDEX package and were told it would arrive on Friday. We didn’t dare leave for fear they would come with the package and no one would be there to sign for it. Alexandria did some laundry and took a few things to the laundromat for drying. Also, the TV and internet system were both out since Thursday evening. They both operate on the same modem. Someone was going to come and check it out also late in the afternoon. He finally arrived and found out that the problem was an “administrative”: one from the phone company (Orange). Either the bill wasn’t paid, the bank didn’t send the payment, or there was a glitch in their system, because the account was closed down. It is over a day later and we still haven’t heard. Since internet access and TV were a part of the contract, is this a breach of contract? We had dinner at home, watched a DVD (that works) and went to bed.

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