We started the day out with nice weather. Lots of sun, but still a bit cool.
We decided to do another concert this afternoon. This one, also, was at the Madeleine. They have three or four concerts there each week. Today's group was the Motettenchor der Technischen Universitat Chemnitz, Germany, conducted by Peter Krone. They did some orchestral pieces, Nathalia Krone, the conductor's daughter we think, sang several solos including a marvelous Missa for one voice by the French composer Jean Langlais. The chorus sang a number of pieces by Mozart, Saint-Saens, Mendelssohn, and Faure. It was a wonderful concert. The chorus and orchestra sang and played very well. But the star of the afternoon was Natalia. She had a very rich mezzo voice that she used to full effect in the Missa.
After the concert we walked to the bus stop and back to our apartment for an evening in.

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