We both had trouble sleeping last night so we didn't get up too early. Even though you order decaf, you never can be sure that that's what you get. After a late breakfast, we went out and stopped off at the gare de Lyon to pick up our train tickets for a short trip we were taking early next week. What a mob! The school holidays for this period have started and many are traveling. We decided to put off getting the tickets until tomorrow.

We took the bus to the Sorbonne area where Erwin had been the day before. We wanted to look at this neighborhood since there was an apartment there that we were interested in. Only problem was that the street from the blvd St. Michel was on an incline and a bit tiring to walk. We discovered that there were alternate routes to the building that avoided most of the inclines. It is good to get to know an area before committing oneself to a rental.

On the way back home, we did a little shopping. Dinner was at home.

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