Before I tell you about today, a bit of a warning. We are leaving tomorrow morning, Monday, for a short visit to Normandy and Brittany. I do not know what the Internet access will be like in the places where we'll be staying. Soooo, if you see nothing for a few days, never fear we'll be back as soon as we can get on line. I will do the blog on the word processor and paste it in when I can. Hopefully, one of the hotels will be hooked up, or I can find a cafe with access. Practically all of the larger ones and many smaller ones have access, at least in Paris.
Today is the first Sunday of the month and you know what that means. Free admission to the museums. We decided to go to the Branly Museum. Betcha you don't know that one. Many of the French Presidents of the Fifth Republic have left monuments in Paris that they created. Georges Pompidou left the Pompidou Museum (1977), François Mitterand the modernistic Bibliothèque Nationale, and Jacques Chirac's the Branly Museum. The Branly is different from most museums in that it is a cultural institution that offers an innovative approach to non-Western cultures. It has large collections of North and South American artifacts, as well as those from Africa and Asia. Check out its web site for a more complete description. There are no pictures since they are not allowed inside and It was not particularly nice outside.
We went back to the apartemnt and cleaned out the fridge (frigo) so that there woiuld be nothing left during our absence. To bed eafrly for an early wakeup to depart early for Normandy.

1 comment:

John said...

This is by far the best website .. I wish I was there !!!
